Lo Scorretto

lo scorretto

Lo Scorretto – Historical center

Cafeteria, snack bar, aperitifs (on thursday special aperitif served with fried and marinated anchovies), after dinner.

It is located near from piazza Matteotti and Palazzo Ducale.

Chocolate shot glasses to fill with liquor must be given a go.

Football matches live.

La Goletta

La Goletta – Porto Antico Placed in the enchanting location of Magazzini del Cotone, it overlooks the Porto Antico, the Lighthouse and the buildings on the hills over Genoa. Coffee,

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Pantarei – historical centre An American bar in Genoa’s throbbing heart, it is located very close to piazza delle Erbe. It becomes crowded after dinner, when it offers spirits and

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Things to see in Genoa

Genoa nightlife